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Meet the alumni – Callum Bonni
4 January 2024
1. Can you tell us your name and one interesting fact about yourself? My name is Callum Bonni. An interesting fact about me would be that, inspired by my great love for music which started in LHS, in my first year at the University of Birmingham I started a band and gigged around the Birmingham […]

Meet the alumni – Megan Player
4 January 2024
1. Can you tell us your name and one interesting fact about yourself? My name is Megan Player and in my spare time, I enjoy doing CrossFit and maintaining an active social life with family and friends. 2. What year did you graduate from Llanishen High School? I completed my A Levels at Llanishen High […]

How is LHS supporting the school community through the cost of living crisis?
9 November 2023
The cost of living crisis is currently having a huge impact on families in Wales. Public Health Wales data shows that 80% of residents are ‘very worried’ or ‘somewhat worried’ about the cost of living for winter 2023, with a quarter of respondents saying that rising costs were causing them substantial stress and anxiety. So […]