Welcome to the LHS Health and Social Care and Childcare Department
Why should I study Health and Social care or Childcare?
By choosing to study for a Health and Social Care or Childcare qualification, you will have a fantastic opportunity to learn about a wide range of developmental areas that have relevance to your life and others lives around you. You’ll enhance your knowledge and gain a better understanding of the lifespan of a human and developmental issues that could occur. You will also learn about laws and rights that surround our care. During your studies, you’ll acquire lots of essential skills that can be easily transferred to other subjects.
We have four very experienced teachers in the Health and Social care and Childcare team and forge strong relationships with the students we teach. Better still, the NHS is the biggest employer in the UK, employing 1.6 million people. So studying Health and Social Care and Childcare enables you to access a number of future career options if you chose to work in the field.
What will it involve?
Health and Social Care and Childcare involves a range of many topics. We explore the values within the Health and Social Care system, the health risks that people take and how these can be addressed by health promotion, client needs, and individual empowerment. We also look at the barriers affecting individuals accessing services as well as social and emotional influences on health and well-being.
The human lifespan and different developmental stages we go through is also a core component of your learning when studying Health and Social Care and Childcare.
What else do I need to know?
We offer the following GCSE (KS4) and Level 3 (KS5) qualifications:
GCSE Health & Social Care double award (60% coursework + 40% exam assessment)
Level 3 Certificate in Health & Social care (equivalent to 1 ‘A’ level)
Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social care (equivalent to 2 ‘A’ levels)
Year 9
Year 10 & 11
Sixth Form