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Girls in STEM: Why does it matter?
8 April 2024
Over the last few weeks, we’ve hosted workshops with members of our community to encourage more girls into STEM subjects and to stick with them once they’re there. Why? Well, despite some improvements in recent years, there’s still a noticeable disparity between boys and girls and their subject choices, especially within STEM subjects at GCSE […]

Get girls into STEM: LHS launches exclusive workshop series this March
15 March 2024
Llanishen High School is on a mission to get more girls into STEM subjects – from GCSE and beyond – with the launch of a new workshop series this March designed to inspire. Despite some improvements in recent years, there’s still a noticeable gap between boys and girls and their subject choices. They’re sadly affected […]

Protecting privacy on social media
15 March 2024
Social media is so incredibly public. So naturally, it comes with privacy concerns. What you put online stays online and sharing personal information can leave your children vulnerable to fraud, impersonation, and so much more. However, in a recent survey of 339 LHS parents, only 13% said that privacy was their top concern regarding their […]

Combatting bullying and harassment on social media
27 February 2024
For previous generations of young people, bullying was saved for face-to-face interactions. As traumatising as it always has been, most often or not, they could close their doors and step away from peer-led bullying, at least for a little while. But now sadly, that sanctuary is no more. Bullying has extended its reach to social […]

Safeguarding mental health in the social media age
20 February 2024
It’s almost impossible to talk about social media without considering its impact on mental health, especially when it comes to our young people. From excessive screen time and the inability to switch off, to the pressure to conform to online standards, it can be tricky to navigate, particularly for teens who are still developing and […]

Navigating social media with your teenager
24 January 2024
Social media is ingrained in our daily lives, even more so for our children who are the first generation to have completely grown up with the internet at their fingertips. Whether they’re checking in with friends, or keeping up with the latest news and trends, it can feel necessary (and normal) to have a social […]

Calling all LHS graduates…
4 January 2024
We’re pleased to announce that in 2024, we’ve officially launched an alumni network for Llanishen High School, and if you’re a past student, we want to hear from you. As part of our alumni network, we’re aiming to: Headteacher Mrs Sarah Parry said: “We are incredibly proud of all the students who have passed through […]

How is LHS supporting the school community through the cost of living crisis?
9 November 2023
The cost of living crisis is currently having a huge impact on families in Wales. Public Health Wales data shows that 80% of residents are ‘very worried’ or ‘somewhat worried’ about the cost of living for winter 2023, with a quarter of respondents saying that rising costs were causing them substantial stress and anxiety. So […]

Llanishen High School invests over £300,000 to improve school facilities
25 October 2023
Llanishen High School has this week announced a significant investment in its school facilities to help students get the most from their studies as part of the Curriculum for Wales. A community-led high school based in the heart of Cardiff, Llanishen High School has invested over £300,000 over the last 18 months through a series […]

The GCSE waiting game: look after your well-being while waiting for your results
2 August 2023
You’ve worked hard, put everything you have into your exams, and now it’s time to sit back, take a deep breath, and wait for the results. Easier said than done, we know. But especially as these next few weeks will likely be a rollercoaster of emotions, it’s more important than ever to take care of […]