Governing Body

The Governing Body

School governors have overall responsibility for the conduct of the school. The most important aspects are an excellence of curriculum delivery, the continuing welfare of the whole school community and effective control of the annual budget. The governing body delegates most of the management of the school to the Headteacher and Senior Leaders. A clear vision for the school is agreed between governors and senior staff, having involved all stakeholders in its construction. Governors will then monitor how the school goes about achieving their vision via regular reporting, questioning and observing the working school.

Governors are appointed, usually for a four year term, to represent the various stakeholders that include:

  • Parents (6)
  • The local authority (5)
  • The local community (5)
  • The teaching staff (2)
  • The support staff (1)
  • The Headteacher

This diverse selection process ensures that there will be many skills, professions, interests and abilities that can be used to challenge and assist in the running of the school.

Governors at Llanishen High are a corporate body and cannot act alone unless authorised by the whole body to carry out a specific task. We have three main sub committees that divide the numerous responsibilities in to coherent parts. These sub-committees meet at least once a term and report back in to the Full Governing Body meetings that also take place at least three times per academic year.

Our sub-committees currently comprise:

Teaching, Curriculum and Outcomes Committee: (TCO)

  • Focuses continually on construction and delivery of the curriculum that will enable every pupil from year 7 onwards, to maximise their potential.
  • Ensures all staff are trained, encouraged to pursue continuing professional development and aware of the needs of every pupil they encounter
  • Receives regular data on the performance against expectation of every pupil and the plan for them to exceed that expectation.

School Community and Wellbeing Committee: (SCW)

  • Provides a continuing focus on the wellbeing of all staff and every pupil within the school community.
  • Data on absences, their reason and frequency allows senior staff to channel welfare discussions, offer support and implement whole school initiatives as the need arises.
  • Reports from the Wellbeing Centre inform governors of any common pupil concerns and how they may be addressed.

Finance and Resources Committee: (F&R)

  • Agrees annually the Financial Regulations and spending limits for the school.
  • Continually monitors the school budget to ensure it is spent effectively.
  • Monitors the upkeep of our aging estate to ensure it provides a safe environment for teaching and learning.
  • Ensures that the school’s Health & Safety policy is current and effectively applied.
  • Receives reports on the maintenance of all operating plant over their life cycle.
  • Agrees a strategic spending plan for renewal of fixed assets over time.

Other committees will meet as necessary for:

  • Governance arrangements
  • Staff pay and performance review
  • Complaints
  • Pupil discipline matters
  • Staff redundancy, capability, discipline and resolution matters

The Governing Body in October 2024 comprises:

Local Authority Appointed:

John Caddick (Chair of Governors)
Sarah Hopkins
John Lancaster
Gareth Bryon (Vice Chair of Governors)
Barbara Cooke (Chair of TCO)

Community Appointed:

Freda George (Chair of F&R)
Dai Harris
Dave Mills
Ellen Mills (Chair of SCW)
Pru Orridge

Parent Elected:

Grant Lillywhite
Linzi Plant (Vice Chair of TCO)
Gemma Cross
Emma Howells
Ben Wong
Mark Coleman

Teacher Elected:

Matthew Hampton
Richard Lawson

Staff Elected:

Helen Wall
Headteacher – Sarah Parry
Clerk to the Governing Body – Alison Williams


In addition to our one-page quick-reference calendar, this calendar provides a more detailed breakdown about all upcoming staff related events.

View Calendar


W/C 13/2/25

Together, we can do great things