Student Wellbeing at LHS

Student Wellbeing support at LHS.

Making a referral 

To self-refer or refer a friend to school wellbeing support, please complete this form:

Whatever you are facing, you are not alone. The bravest and most difficult step is often reaching out for help. For support and guidance on how to reach out, visit:

If you are supporting a friend, please read the information on this link on how to look after yourself too:

Looking after your Wellbeing 

If you’ve heard of the term ‘mental wellbeing’ and don’t know what it is, or you want to find out how you can look after your wellbeing and feel good, we’re here to help you learn more.

What is mental wellbeing?

Your mental wellbeing is about how you’re feeling right now, and how well you can cope with daily life. Our wellbeing can change from moment to moment, day to day, or month to month.

Sometimes it changes because of things that happen to us and sometimes it changes for no reason at all. It can affect the way we feel about ourselves and others, and about the things we face in our lives.

Why is my wellbeing important?

Having good wellbeing can help you to:

  • Feel and express a range of emotions
  • Have confidence and positive self-esteem
  • Have good relationships with others
  • Enjoy the world around you
  • Cope with stress and adapt when things change.

Good wellbeing doesn’t mean you’ll always be happy. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, or low sometimes. But if you have poor wellbeing for a long time you might start to find things more difficult to cope with.

The above information is taken from © Mind. This information is published in full at:

Young minds offer support on many topics including:


Body Image


Coronavirus and Mental Health

Drugs and alcohol

Exam stress

Struggling with family


Gaming and mental health

Gender and mental health

Mental Health advice for young Muslims

Problems at school

Racism and mental health

What is self-care?

A self-care guide for young Muslims

Self-esteem and believing in yourself

Sexuality and mental health

Social media and mental health

Stress – Young People’s Wellbeing Guide to Stressful Situations  


Young Carers

What is mental health?


If you are feeling overwhelmed, or like you want to hurt yourself, support is available for you to talk things through. You deserve help as soon as you need it.

To talk with someone confidentially about how you feel, you can:

  • Ring HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141 or the Samaritans on 116 123.
  • Text YM to YoungMind’s Textline on 85258
  • Visit the YoungMind’s Website here:

If you feel like you may attempt suicide, or you have seriously hurt yourself, this is an emergency. You can:

  • Call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
  • Tell an adult you trust and ask them to call 999 for help.

Mental health emergencies are serious. You aren’t wasting anyone’s time.