2 May 2024
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rhieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr
LHS website – Phase 2
This week, we need your help, your voice, your input, and your perspective. Over a year ago, we launched phase 1 of the new school website. Now we have the substantive website in place, we enter phase 2. Phase 2 is about refining and ensuring that it delivers for different audiences. In particular, we are keen to further refine and develop the aspects that support Guardians (parents, carers, and family members).

We are seeking your views on how the current website can further meet your needs. Before I tell you how to get in touch, let’s delve into some of the current information that is available.

First, on the homepage, you’ll find the school calendar.
Also, a vital piece of information in response to the frequently asked question ‘Is it Week A or Week B?’
You can also find all the information you need about joining us from primary school or joining our Sixth Form..

You can book the various venues that we offer within our school…..

You can consult our ‘staff directory’ to access the contact details for every teacher in our school…

Under ‘information’ you will find information on every subject that we run including information about the GCSE and A Level courses, supporting materials and teaching staff.

Under the ‘news’ section you can access a wide variety of articles and updates as well as recent Headteacher Blogs and wonderful updates on our alumni adventures….

Under the explicit ‘Guardians’ section you can access information about wellbeing and financial support as well the key policies that parents may wish to have quick access to. Please note that all school policies are available under policies.

You can also access our Extra Curricular Calendar that we update termly. Don’t forget that we run a 4pm bus every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to ensure that all students can access the wide range of activities on offer…

There is also a section dedicated to Wellbeing. You can find out about the services we offer and can also access a range of supporting materials.

So, our challenge and appeal to Guardians, Parents and Carers is simply this. What is missing? What information might you need from our website that is not currently provided?
In particular, we are keen to understand the different needs of each year group. If you would like to feed in your views to the work that we will undertake later in the summer term, we would very much appreciate you sending in your thoughts to the following email address:
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
An eerie quiet is starting to descend upon the school as an increasing level of activity and energy is directed towards the upcoming exam and assessment series. Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 are underway with Welsh and French orals, with the full season approaching at pace. Years 7, 8 and 9 have their WG national assessments in June which give us useful data on their progression as well as providing a very valuable and staggered experience of sitting formal assessments in our exam venues.
When you are preparing for formal examinations, it can be hugely motivating to remember what that hard slog is for. For Year 12, a well timed UCAS convention and dive into the world of university possibilities was the perfect motivator.
UCAS Convention time…
On Tuesday 23rd April we took all our Year 12 students to the UCAS exhibition in the ICC in Newport. Whilst they are busy getting ready for their AS examinations, they are also researching their futures when they leave us next summer. The exhibition is an annual event that we see as a really important part of this research and we are so pleased that we were able to fund this for our students again this year. Most universities from the UK attend, as well as some apprenticeship providers too. Students had the opportunity to go and speak to representatives with questions they had planned during registration periods. Students came back excited about university and found the morning very helpful. Plus they collected a lot of freebies!

All that remains is for me to wish you all a very happy and healthy May-day weekend and bank holiday.
We look forward to regrouping on Tuesday 7th May.
Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,
Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher