29 June 2023
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr
Introducing the new LHS App
Before we get fully underway today, we are excited to announce that from September 2023, we’ll be introducing our very own LHS App. This will be our main communications tool for parents, and it will replace SIMS from 31st August 2023 as we move completely to this new and improved platform. You will receive an enrolment email on Monday 3rd of July and can download the App from the Apple and Google Play stores. To learn more, please visit our website via the link below:
LHS App Information Page
The LHS App will allow you to register your child’s absence, book parents evening appointments, update your contact details, get live updates on your child’s attendance, view their timetable, sign trip and consent forms, and so much more.
Strength and resilience
I would like to start today by commending a group of students who continue to astound us every day. Having been displaced from their homes in the Ukraine with only a few hours warning, these students have shown levels of strength and resilience that are hard to put into words.
This week, Diana Kulibaba, Ilona Markova, and Artem Triasin put together an incredibly powerful assembly that they delivered to years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The students spoke poignantly about their personal experiences. They spoke about the challenges of finding themselves suddenly taking their GCSEs in a language that is so new to them. They spoke about the deep feelings of home sickness and how much they miss their family members and friends who are still in the Ukraine.
They also spoke about how it feels to be displaced and have no certainty about the future.
They represented the voice of children and young people who become caught up in conflict, raising awareness of the charity War Child that seeks a safe future for every child living in war zones. www.warchild.org.uk
But the overriding message was one of strength, resilience and the human spirit.
The response from each year group was overwhelmingly clear. As a School of Sanctuary we continue to provide a safe and welcoming environment for young people. Over 50 languages are spoken at LHS. We have students who are displaced from other areas of conflict across the globe. We have an incredibly inclusive and diverse school population that we frequently describe as the richest tapestry of life.
We would also like to thank the students above and Viktor Triasin in Year 8 for creating displays and sharing the assembly. They remind us that we are incredibly lucky to live in a country that provides freedom and opportunity.

Learning Support Sports Day!
In other news from the week, Friday 23rd June saw Learning Support students participating with gusto in our annual Learning Supports Sports day. The students came to school dressed in their team colours ready to take on the day ahead and what a day they had. In the end it was the yellow team that took the trophy, but each and every student deserves a medal. Well done to everyone who took part!

Also, this week’s Learning Support ‘Star of the Week’ goes to the lovely Linzi Judd in Year 7. Linzi puts in100% effort in everything she does. Well done Linzi!
To Stuttgart for an International Swimming Gala!
It was international travel for Samuel Williams in Year 9 as he headed off to Stuttgart with the rest of his team. They are now back after a very successful weekend. The City of Cardiff Swimming Club came second overall in the Stuttgart International Swimming Gala.
Sam raced in 8 events (6 individual and 2 relays), as well as the related finals, and won 1 gold and 3 silver medals in his individual events. Well done Sam! Cue the action shot…..

Shout out to Year 10
I would also like to say a big thank you to some brave Year 10’s this week. When Wales online came to report a feature on our sustainable prom store 2023, we were missing the one vital ingredient – Year 11 (who were in an exam).
But fear not. Thanks go to Naina, Ryan, Jess, Jasmine, Fabio, and Chloe. It was a quick change with about 10 minutes warning! They were stunning.

And now for some fond farewells..
First, well done to the Year 11 team for hosting a fabulous leavers assembly for Year 11 last Friday. Annual shirt signing. Photos from Year 7 through to Year 11. And many awards.

There was a very fitting finale. Hannah got to relive a very special moment from a previous Christmas event. Thank goodness the microphone was spared!

This was followed last Friday night by the Year 13 Leavers Ball.
It was a privilege for the Sixth Form team to join with Year 13 to celebrate the end of their secondary education. Due to COVID, this year group missed out on their Year 11 prom, so this night was extra special. And what a night it was! It was held at the Angel hotel, and everyone had pulled out all the stops with their outfits. Over 20 members of staff attended, and many have since commented on what a great night it was and how amazing the students were. Their behaviour and inclusivity was impeccable, and Miss Hornblow was immensely proud of them. The staff at LHS are so grateful to have been a part of their journey, and we hope they are excited about the next chapter of their lives. Here are some of the glamorous highlights…

Update from the PTA
The PTA are delighted to announce the winners of the 100 Club this term: A Moore, A Jones, S Parry, L Lewellyn, T Crocker and J Lloyd-Jones. They have all received £100 or £50. If you would like to join the 100 Club, and help raise money for the PTA, please see the details below. The final draw for this year will take place in July at the last PTA meeting of the academic year.

We would also like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to Toni Crocker and Andrea Locke, who are longstanding members of the PTA and who have supported and run many events, encouraged a lot of people and raised a lot of money to help the pupils of LHS.
They have worked tirelessly for many years for the school, and will be very much missed when they leave. Thank you for all you have done!
We will need to recruit new members of the PTA for the new school year.
Details of the first meeting in September will follow!
Support for City Hospice
Finally today, we are pleased to support City Hospice as they announce that their award-winning campaign, Forever flowers is up and running for 2023.
The campaign has been inspired by the ongoing challenges around bereavement, and our wish to support people with their grief. This year they have chosen a daisy which for many symbolizes love, hope and new dawns.
Forever Flowers is for everyone, not just those who were cared for by City Hospice. It provides the opportunity for people to talk about their grief, reflect, remember a loved-one and celebrate life with a lasting tribute.
Members of the public can buy a beautiful 18” high metal daisy that will be displayed at Cardiff Castle in the beginning of August. They then can collect their flower to place in a position of their choice.
For further info, see https://www.cityhospice.org.uk/forever-flowers-2023/ or see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruXCMepugOI

Well done to Years 7, 8 and 9 who have completed their Welsh National Tests this week.
We still have plenty of exciting events ahead in the last three weeks. Next week, Question Time comes to LHS. We also have Sports Day on Friday 14th July, and a few more surprises.
Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,
Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher