17 January 2025
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rhieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr
A brain stretching start to the week!
Starting the week in inspiring fashion, on Monday 13th January, some of our most able Year 11 and 12 students visited Jesus College, Oxford, to meet with current students, have a tour of the university and take part in critical thinking sessions. Oxford lecturer Professor Matthew Williams posed them questions like ‘If a wooden building is 1000 years old, but it has had all it’s wood replaced over time, then is the building still 1000 years old?’ He encouraged students to verbalise their thoughts as they thought deeply about problems, making Mr Mee and Mrs Hornblow’s brains hurt.
Students were able to experience answering the type of questions tutors ask applicants at interview and were given a VIP guided tour of the college’s libraries and accommodation.
We look forward to visiting again soon to meet with our Oxford alumni who are enjoying their studies in such an interesting, unique and historical setting.

I’m not sure if I’m showing my age or simply my love of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ but when Mr Mee posed the question about the 1,000-year-old building, all I could think about was Triggers broom!
Here are a few more snaps from their visit.

Anyone for a trip down memory lane?!
Next, I want to introduce a story that we hope will gather momentum and depth in coming blogs.
In January 2027, Llanishen High School will be celebrating 70 years! So we’ve been starting some research.
After opening as Heol Hir County Secondary School in 1957 (as a separate boys school and girls school), the school has a rich history that we are starting to piece together!
In clearing out an old cupboard we have uncovered some fascinating early records including the official opening by the Lord Mayor on Valentines Day 1958, and an early ‘punishment’ book!

As we build up to the 70th anniversary, we would love to hear from people in the local community about your memories of your time here. Especially the fond and funny anecdotes.
Maybe you still have some old photographs or your old report cards?!
Maybe your name is in the punishment book!
We then decided that it would be a lovely idea to invite the alumni of Heol Hir/Llanishen High School to come for a tour of their old school.
Come and see how the school has changed. See if any of the staff are still here!
See what memories surface as you walk the corridors.
In particular, it would be lovely to meet some of the schools’ first pupils and exchange stories over a cup of tea and a biscuit!
In the first instance, we are offering the opportunity for any alumni to book on to a tour.
Don’t worry if you can’t make these dates. We hope that they will be the first of many to come. Our current student body would be delighted to show you around.
You can contact the school by telephone or you can contact us on our dedicated email address:

Our first tour on 30th January is already booked out but there are still places on our 3rd February, 13th February, and 17th February tours.
Learning Support Star of the Week

This week, the SOTW is Lacy Davies in Year 8.
Lacy has been working so hard to overcome her fears and has really shown us how resilient she is.
We are super proud of you Lacy, keep up the good work.
It’s amazing to see you demonstrating one of our core LHS values.
Cheerleading World Championship success!
We are not just proud of our students. Our staff are constantly surprising us with their achievements, and this story is no exception.
In April 2024, Miss Murzyn, a Teaching Assistant in our Autism Base, represented Wales at the Cheerleading World Championships.
They won (!) and became World Champions. This weekend, Miss Murzyn received her international bronze and silver honours (for representing Wales internationally in both 2023 and 2024).
In 2024 this was in recognition of being Adaptive Abilities World Champions, and in 2023, it was in recognition of being Adaptive Abilities Bronze Medalists. Here are some photographs that show the high level of competition and a very proud member of our staff!

A few important dates for your diaries
As January gets fully underway, please see some key dates for your diaries:
Monday 20th January – Year 8 Parents Evening and Learning Pathways Evening
This year, we are piloting a new approach that we hope will be helpful for Year 8 parents. The Parents Evening will run from 3:15 – 6:00 pm. We then invite all parents to join us in the West Wing Hall for a presentation on the GCSE options process.
Friday 21st February – INSET day. This means that students break up for half-term on Thursday 20th February and return to school on Monday 3rd March.
Monday 10th March – INSET day. This is an additional INSET day for this academic year that has been set by Welsh Government in order to allow the WJEC to provide full training for teachers on the new GCSE qualifications.
Tuesday 11th March – Year 11 Parents Evening.
Thursday 10th April – Year 10 Parents Evening.
Friday 11th April – break up for the Easter holiday.
Your vote counts
Next today is an invitation for everyone to get behind Elizabeth Bates in Year 8. Her film about the designing of the believe garden has been nominated for a charity film award. And every vote counts! Please follow the link below to show your support for this amazing project. You just need an email address and two-minutes of your time.
Vote Link
Reunite yourself with your lost property!
Finally, here is your next opportunity to reunite yourself with missing items. If you recognise any of these items, take yourself to Learning Support to reclaim them!

I look forward to bringing you more news and updates next week.
Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,
Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher